
Domingo, 09 de diciembre del 2012

La reveladora carta que Joran van der Sloot hizo llegar a Panorama

Presentamos íntegramente la carta enviada por Joran van der Sloot denunciando a su abogado por haberlo estafado por 75 mil dólares, que servirían para sobornar a jueces y conseguir una pena menor:

Play La reveladora carta que Joran van der Sloot hizo llegar a Panorama

Presentamos íntegramente la carta enviada por Joran van der Sloot denunciando a su abogado por haberlo estafado por 75 mil dólares, que servirían para sobornar a jueces y conseguir una pena menor:

Presentamos íntegramente la carta enviada por Joran van der Sloot denunciando a su abogado por haberlo estafado por 75 mil dólares, que servirían para sobornar a jueces y conseguir una pena menor:


Parte 1.

Dear Max, Aldo and Mary,

Here is a summary of what occurred to me from the time I crossed the Peruvian border into Chilli up to the moment I was expelled, sent back to Peru and interrogated. I hope it will help Max and Aldo in fighting my human rights case and getting me a new trail. Please feel free to use any or all of the information I provide as you see fit. It is all 100% true.

Three days after leaving hotel TAC in Lima my passport was stamped and I crossed the Peruvian border into Chilli. I was exhausted from the trip by car and spent the night at a hostle just over the border. The next day I took a flight to Santiago the Capitol of Chilli. I spent the night at a friends house and the next morning when I woke up my picture was in all the newspapers, not wanting to bring my friend any problems I decided to leave. I took a cab to Vino del Mar because I know someone who lives there and thought that he would be able to help me. I had no phone so once I got to Vino del Mar I found an internet cafe to try and contact my friend. I also spoke to my mother who told me to go to the Dutch Embassy and ask for refuge. I had emails from various journalists wanting to book flights for me to different countries but I really was not interested. I decided to go to the airport and book the first flight to Holland because at that time I felt like it was the right thing to be doing since I am a Dutch citizen and I obviously did not feel safe. Nobody had said anything to me but my picture was in all the newspapers and I even heard them mention me on the radio while in the Taxi. In the cab on the way from Vino del Mar to the airport a car intercepted us and they pulled me out of the car and put me in handcuffs. They took me to this big building and made me wait in a room on the second floor. I guess it must have been someones office because someone had been careless enough as to leave his gun and holster inside the desk I was sitting behind. I think I am to much of a chicken to kill myself but I seriously considered it until i decided to bring it to the attention of the policeman gaurding me outside the door. He came over and I showed him the gun, he was obviously embarrassed and quickly removed it and took it with him. After a couple hours I was called into a big room, with a bunch of people and computers. I asked if I could use one of the computers or at least make a call and they said I could after I gave a statement. I asked for a lawyer and they said I did not need one and they only wanted a statement from me. Not knowing my rights and not wanting to incriminate myself I gave them a statement which they made me retell about five or six times. After what seemed like hours they let me use one of the computers to check my email. My lawyer from Holland had emailed me with the advice to ask for an attorney and try to get on the first flight to Holland which I was planning on doing untill they intercepted me. They asked me what I was doing and I told them I wanted a lawyer and to book my flight to Holland. They became all silent and started whispering then said I could no longer use the computer. I told them again I wanted a lawyer and that is when they said I was not under arrest. I told them that if I was not under arrest I wanted to leave and go to the airport and if they did not they were kidnapping me. They didnt like that I said that and brought me back to the same room on the second floor and locked the door. I banged on the door untill someone opened it and said I wanted to use a phone but all my requests were denied. I got angry and said if I am not under arrest I want to leave and that's when the gaurd put me back in handcuffs and locked the door. After what seemed like a couple more hours I was brought to a different room and there were about five people there. They said if I co-operate and sign some documents they would make things easy for me. I sat down and read the documents and even though my Spanish was poor to say the least I understood they were documents in which I agree to go back to Peru. I immidiately refused and they got angry and started slamming the desk saying I could go the easy way or the hard way. I said I refuse to sign and if I am not under arrest I want to leave and they told me this was no longer an opcion and that whether or not I sign I am going to Peru. I obviously still refused to sign. The people present signed the document and I was put back in handcuffs and brought to the same room. After a little while a lady came and asked me to reconsider and please sign the documents. She also brought me food a soda and a pack of cigarettes but I still refused. She called the gaurd to come in and take of my handcuffs so I could eat and said they were sending me to Peru with or without my signature on the documents so I could only be helping myself by signing and they could make everything go more smoothly for me and say I co-operated however I still kindly refused. The lady left and after 20 minutes the man I assume was in charge came in slammed the desk again and told me to sign I said no and he promised me he would take me to Peru the hard way. At this point I decided no longer to speak to him or anyone and just to remain silent and he left putting me back in handcuffs and locking the door.

Parte 2

Dear Max, Aldo and Mary,

After a long time Interpol showed up and said they would be transporting me to Peru. They took me to a car and drove me to a hanger where a small airplane was waiting. To be honest the people from Interpol treated me quite well and only handcuffed me in the plane. The plane flew from Santiago to Arica and they crossed me over the boarder by foot. The Peruvian police immediatly wanted to take custody of me but the people from Interpol did not let them saying their orders were to bring me to Lima. There was some arguing between the police and Interpol but they finally got their way and accompanied me all the way to Lima by car. While crossing the boarder I think I was read my rights even though a translator was not present. The drive from Arica to Lima is very long and we did it without any stops. I was exhausted, tired and hungry by the time we got to Lima. They made a huge media spectical out of Interpol handing me over to the police and paraded me past the cameras several times. I felt completely humiliated. After they had their fun I was put into a dark cell. After what did not seem like a long time they brought me to a different room where cameras were recording, and I immediatly confessed to the police, it is all on film. There was however no translator present and they told me I would have to tell them everything that happened again. I said I wanted a attorney but did not know any in Lima, I asked to call my attorney in Holland but they refused to let me make a phone call. They brought a public defender who advised me not to say anything and to say I was tired and needed to rest. The police were angry but the document was typed up and they brought me to the same dark cell where I finally was able to sleep. The young lady who was a public defender told me she would return the next day. The next day when the police came to get me to start interrogating me their was a different lady who said she was my lawyer. The truth is she was one of the policeman's girlfriend or family member. I never signed a document agreeing for her to be my lawyer and Max told me public records show she is not even a public defender. She advised me to confess. I did as I was advised but when they wanted me to sign the documents it just all felt wrong so I just scribbled on the pages instead of using my signature. Max can review the documents and he knows about the Lawyer the police called I think he even filled charges against her. Only after all this had happened was I aloud to make a phone call which of course they also filmed. I called my mother who told me not to say anything and that a lawyer was on his way. After the phone call I refused to co-operate any longer and they started treating me badly untill Max finally showed up. Mostly everything that happened after that Max knows. I was transferred to Miguel Castro Castro and my trail was supposed to start. There was no translator so after one or two hearings the presiding judge suspended the hearings. The Embassy claimed it was the Peruvian justice system who should supply a translator not them and apparently there is no system in place for this kind of situation. About 18 monthes passed without anything happening, no questions by the judge, no reconstruction, nothing. I would think that at least a reconstruction should have taken place so that the facts of what took place would be clear but not even that happened.

Parte 3

After a discussion I have with Max I decide to change lawyers however at this time I am allready in the "Sala" where they give me the opcion to take my "Conclusion Anticipada". My lawyer Mr. Jimenez tells me to ask for some time to consider it so I do as advised. Later the same day he comes to visit me and says he knows one of the judges and that he was a student of the Flores family lawyer. He said that my best opcion was to take the conclusion anticipada and that if I could get 75,000$ together he could pay off the judges or at least one of them so that I would get the minimum sentence something which according to him was completely in their right to do if I took the conclusion anticipada. He said if they wanted to they could give me less than the minimum but that I should be happy with 15 years and that I would be free on benifits in 5. (Mary although not aware of this herself should have the records of the money sent to Jimenez with the exact date) I think just one of the abuses I was put through should be enough reason to ask for a new trail. Mr. Jimenez told me that with no priors and good conduct I would be free in 3 years having served 1/3 of my sentence. I asked around in the prison and people told me that it was possible so I pulled all the strings I could and with the help of really only one person I got the money to Mr. Jimenez. I had told Mary the money was for bail which is not true but I was afraid that if I told her the truth she might not help me. Jimenez said he would fix everything and that my 15 year sentence as a maximum was gaurenteed. I trusted him at the time. The next time I appeared in front of the "sala" I took my conclusion anticipada thinking everything was arranged ahead of time, and they suspended the hearing for sentencing. Sometime while all this was happening Jimenez asked me to sign a document that really didn't say much except that I was happy with his work. I found it a little strange at the time but signed it anyway. According to him everything had gone well. The day of my sentencing came and I was sentenced to 28 years in jail. I wish I had a copy of the video and my expression, I am sure you can find it on YouTube. The same day without being able to talk to my lawyer or anyone else I was transfered to piedra gordas (ancon 1) a jail where a public phone does not even exist. There is no way of communication with the outside world here. Talk about abuse of my rights. So without communication and feeling pretty screwed by Mr. Jimenez who finally showed up the next day. He told me he had 69,000$ left of the money Mary sent him and an email that he may do with the money as he pleases as long as its in my benifit. He told me he was sorry but had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to split the money with him. That's when I got angry with him and told him to leave. He left after a short argument and apparently sent the money back to Mary. I have not had communication with him since. I know this is a lot of information and a lot to digest. Please keep in mind I am not asking to be set free yet I am only asking for a new trail and for my rights to be respected this time. The only negative thing is bringing the issue to attention once again which could cause suffering for Stephanies family and friends but I truly believe they would be able to heal better from their tragic loss of their daughter if they knew how and more importantly why everything occurred the way it did. Somthing which to the day of today is not clear. During my entire trail which consisted of maybe 5 hearings I was not asked a single question. Besides the fact that my rights have been violated time and time again all I am asking for is a fair trail. I truly believe and think that in the end all parties involved will be able to carry on with their lives in a better way knowing what happened and why.

Temas Relacionados: CartaCompra De JuecesHomicidioJoran Van Der SlootProceso

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